
DISCLAIMER: This is an EXPERIMENTAL site exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence for aviation weather prediction. The forecasts presented cannot be assumed to be accurate and are used entirely AT YOUR OWN RISK

EDDF -- Frankfurt am Main International Germany (50.0264, 8.54313)

METAR (actual weather observation from US NOAA/NWS, updated every half-hour or so)

Date & Time (UTC)Temp. (C)Dewpoint (C)Cloud base (ft)Clouds (oktas)CloudsQNH (hPa)Visibility (miles)Windspeed (kts)Degrees TrueFlight Category
11/2/2021 3:50:00 AM7.07.04005.5BKN10013.734.0200LIFR

NeuralMET Forecasts (via FlyLogical Deep Learning Neural Networks, refreshed every half-hour or so)

Hours aheadDate & Time (UTC)Temp. (C)Dewpoint (C)Cloud base (ft)Clouds (oktas)CloudsQNH (hPa)Visibility (miles)Windspeed (kts)Degrees True Flight Category
0.511/2/2021 4:20:00 AM7.07.04912.1FEW10015.994.4185LIFR
111/2/2021 4:50:00 AM7.27.34951.9FEW10015.604.7189LIFR
311/2/2021 6:50:00 AM9.18.18512.4FEW10015.695.7184IFR
611/2/2021 9:50:00 AM11.18.036291.3FEW10025.558.2186VFR
1211/2/2021 3:50:00 PM10.68.718361.8FEW10014.918.2171MVFR
2411/3/2021 3:50:00 AM-1.88.821500.0CLR10030.005.9177MVFR
3611/3/2021 3:50:00 PM10.87.724451.8FEW9985.887.7160MVFR
4811/4/2021 3:50:00 AM7.74.501.1FEW10025.975.895LIFR
7211/5/2021 3:50:00 AM12.14.521312.6SCT10070.625.7121MVFR

Forecast Historical Performance

Neural Network Forecast average errors (rms) since last model update on 2021-09-04 10:23:46. Naive estimate (ZOH) errors in square brackets for comparison. Standard deviation of observations in round brackets.
Hours aheadSamples (in avg)Temp. (C)Dewpoint (C)Cloud base (ft)Clouds (oktas)QNH (hPa)Visibility (miles)Windspeed (kts)Degrees True
0.570.5 [0.7] (4.9)0.6 [0.5] (2.8)115 [76] (1733)0.9 [0.0] (1.4)1 [1] (5)0.75 [0.00] (1.04)1.5 [1.7] (2.6)67 [78] (102)
1200.7 [1.4] (4.9)0.9 [0.7] (2.8)1110 [1151] (1733)0.8 [1.0] (1.4)1 [0] (5)1.07 [0.44] (1.04)1.4 [1.3] (2.6)74 [105] (102)
3321.8 [2.9] (4.9)1.5 [1.3] (2.8)772 [754] (1733)1.4 [1.5] (1.4)1 [1] (5)1.27 [1.39] (1.04)2.0 [2.1] (2.6)103 [153] (102)
6323.4 [6.3] (4.9)2.4 [2.5] (2.8)1495 [1354] (1733)1.0 [1.1] (1.4)2 [2] (5)0.65 [0.93] (1.04)3.0 [3.6] (2.6)104 [145] (102)
12355.8 [7.9] (4.9)2.7 [2.6] (2.8)1421 [1901] (1733)1.0 [1.4] (1.4)3 [2] (5)0.69 [0.52] (1.04)2.4 [3.5] (2.6)92 [131] (102)
24309.5 [3.4] (4.9)4.3 [3.1] (2.8)1925 [2366] (1733)2.2 [2.0] (1.4)3 [3] (5)6.02 [1.65] (1.04)2.7 [3.8] (2.6)120 [151] (102)
36295.2 [8.2] (4.9)4.6 [3.6] (2.8)1685 [2074] (1733)1.3 [1.6] (1.4)5 [5] (5)0.34 [0.16] (1.04)2.9 [4.0] (2.6)97 [152] (102)
48163.3 [3.0] (4.9)6.2 [3.6] (2.8)3430 [2318] (1733)2.1 [2.3] (1.4)5 [4] (5)1.63 [1.80] (1.04)3.8 [4.3] (2.6)125 [149] (102)
72137.7 [3.1] (4.9)8.6 [4.4] (2.8)1618 [2510] (1733)1.1 [1.7] (1.4)7 [6] (5)5.38 [1.17] (1.04)2.3 [2.9] (2.6)95 [139] (102)

Forecast Charts

Forecast Historical Performance Charts

[Click here for recent plots of historical performance for all ICAOs]